Gallery Photos

In SWITCHING THE LIGHT ON - Marcus Finch, our President showed us some of his techniques for achieving ‘Bravura’ using vibrant darks to improve the quality of light in watercolour landscapes.
Our AGM in December 2016 was our new Patron, Di Levantine’s first visit to a Downland meeting though she has been very supportive at our exhibitions this year. This was a good opportunity for members to meet her and find out more about her amazing commitment to the Snowdrop Trust. Pictured are some of the members who received awards from Di on the day. The Tom Groom Award for a Still Life Painting was won by Ronnie Graham and Mary Hite, Chris Woodward and Rosie Williment received highly commended certificates. The Dennis Frost-Award for best in Spring show was won by Roger Billington and highly commended-certificates went to Caryl Smith, Pauline Lovell and Roger Billington. The Mary Hite Award for best in Summer show went to Roger Billington and Jeanette Clarke, Betty-Ann Beaulieu, Pat Wright were highly commended. The Dorothy Tubb Award for an oil painting was won by Margaret Cairns with highly commended certificates being given to Kay Gale, Sue Olford and Dominic Carlton. Maggie Gulliver took the Drawing Award and Pat Wright, Kay Gale, Wendy Bowen were highly commended. The new Dominic Carlton Sketching Award went for the first time to Kay Gale with highly commended going to Jill Buckingham, Judith Avenell and Allan Plumpton.
The topic for our November critique was ‘a Still Life Painting’. President, Marcus Finch had a difficult job of choosing our winners for the Tom Groom Award which was won by Ronnie Graham. Her study in blue of a beautiful Art deco tea set was an outright winner and Mary Hite, Chris Woodward and new member Rosie Williment received highly commended certificates for their evocative and very appealing studies.
Following on from her demonstration of enamelling, Linda conducted a workshop where members took part.
As a member of the Guild of Enamellers and an experienced jewellery and enamelling tutor, Linda is well qualified to introduce us to the traditional art of enamelling which essentially involves the fusing of glass to metal, using a kiln and multiple firings. Linda demonstrated a variety of enamelling techniques including sgraffito, screening and use of stencils.
EXCITING & ATMOSPHERIC LANDSCAPES IN WATERCOLOUR - Sharon Hurst Acclaimed fantasy artist Sharon Hurst takes watercolour to another dimension and in preparation for our November workshop she showed us her techniques for adding a dash of excitement to our landscapes. She specialises in the art of layering and glazing and achieves a depth of colour normally seen only with acrylics or oils.
Surrey based artist, Maggie Read demonstrating how she combines Watercolour with Pastel to create pictures with depth and texture. Garden / Allotment scene in watercolour and pastel.
Collage Workshop in the style of John Piper. He would have been proud of us!’
